Monday, 24 November 2014

Know Asmat.

Asmat war dance.
Speaking of Asmat tribe certainly is already quite familiar to Indonesian society or maybe still, some have not been aware tribe located in Irian Jaya or West Papua.
Papua is the largest province of Indonesia located in the central part of the island of Papua or the eastern part of West New Guinea (Irian Jaya). Eastern parts of the country Papua New Guinea or East New Guinea.

Asmat were among the tribe Mappi, Yohukimo and Jayawijaya between various tribes in New Guinea. As with other tribes residing in this region, there Asmat tribe who live in the coastal areas with the distance of 100 km to 300 km, even Asmat are located in the countryside, surrounded by heterogeneous forests containing rattan plants, wood (aloes) and tubers with travel time for 1 day 2 night to reach the residential areas with each other. While the distance between the sub-district village about 70 km. With such geographical conditions, then walking is the only way to reach a settlement with the other regions.

The Asmat are made carvings.
Asmat itself known with a unique wood carvings result, this tribe has a distinctive statue of the Statue Asmat. Asmat tribe is one of so many terms that are in Indonesia which is unique in a variety of viewpoints. This modern era they still maintain customs and beliefs they believe.

Statue Asmat.
Asmat tribe originated from clumps Polonesia with the physical characteristics of dark skin color and
black curly hair, round eyelids, nose and boned strapping. Like the other tribes in Papua Asmat have a chief or village headman, who is usually chosen by the people of the tribe itself and comes from the oldest tribe, clan which is considered old or even be removed from a person considered a boon to them, such as winning the war. In the Asmat tribe if a chief or head of customs died no one called the inheritance of the throne of leadership as known in the royal tradition.

Asmat population is divided into two, namely those living in coastal areas and those living in the hinterland. Both of these populations differ from each other in terms of a way of life, social structures and rituals. Coastal population further divided into two parts namely Bisman tribe located between the river and the river nin Sinesty and Shimei tribe.

Livelihood Asmat between coastal and inland definitely inland Asmat clearly different in the habit of daily subsistence hunting forest animals such as snakes, cassowaries, birds, wild boar etc. They also always concocting / tapping sago as a staple food while Asmat tribe living on the coast will usually be a fisherman to catch fish and shrimp as a livelihood.

Asmat people daily work in its environment, especially for foraging, by hunting, gardening, and fishing, which still uses traditional methods and simple enough. Cuisine Asmat unlike today's cuisine in general. Special dishes for them is sago. But everyday they just grilling fish or meat of animals hunted.

In the life of the Asmat "rock" that we usually see on the streets turned out to be very valuable for them. In fact, the stones can be used as a dowry. All of that is because the Asmat tribe dwelling forming marshes that are very difficult to find stones street which is very useful for them to make axes, hammers, and so on.

Asmat has a very simple way to apply themselves.
They only need the red soil to produce a red color.
To produce their white color made of shells that have been crushed, while their black markings produced from pulverized charcoal. How to use is quite simple, just by mixing it with a little water, the dye can be used to color the body.

Asmat is famous for its art ukirnya. For Asmat own carving can be a liaison between the present-day life with the life of the ancestors. In each dwelling carved image and appreciation for their ancestors were loaded with oversized Asmat.

Sculpture and carving generally they created without a sketch. For Asmat when sculpture is the moment in which they communicate with ancestors in another world. That's possible because they know the three concepts of the world: Highly ow capinmi (natural life now), Dampu ow campinmi (natural stopover dead spirits), and Safar (heaven).

In addition to special cultural owned Asmat turns out there is a lot of disagreement among the Asmat village. The most terrible is used Asmat way to kill enemies. When an enemy is killed, his body will be brought to the village, then cut and distributed to the entire population to eat together - together then they will sing a song of death and beheaded him, his brain wrapped baked sago leaves and then eaten. Thank you for reading this article. Written and posted by Bambang Sunarno.
name: Bambang Sunarno.
DatePublished: November 24, 2014 at 15:50
Tag : Asmat.

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